Annual Meeting Election Notice to Members
Meeting Information
The 2025 Floridacentral Credit Union Annual Membership meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, at 5 PM.
Board Vacancies
There will be three (3) vacancies to fill in 2025.
Nomination By Petition
Nominations for vacancies may be in writing and must be in petition form, bearing the signatures of at least two percent (2%) of Floridacentral Credit Union members. No person shall be permitted to advertise or solicit for signatures for a nomination petition at any credit union premises or locations. To be effective, nominations by petition must include a signed certificate from the nominee stating they are agreeable to the nomination and will serve if elected. Nominations by petition must be received by February 12, 2025, and delivered to:
Candidate Eligibility
For an individual to be eligible to become a Member of the Board of Directors: (a) the individual must be a member of the Credit Union in good standing before the distribution of ballots; (b) not have a conviction for a crime involving dishonesty or breach of trust; and (c) must be at least eighteen (18) years of age as of the date of the election. All eligible persons nominated by either the Nominating Committee or by petition must be placed before the members. Once nominations are closed, the Chair will appoint the Credentials Committee. Ballots will be distributed, the vote will be taken, tallied by the Credentials Committee, and the results will be announced thereafter. For these Bylaws, “Credentials Committee” refers specifically to those persons appointed by the Chair for assistance with ballots as described above.
Candidates Nominated by the Nominating Committee
Below is a brief statement of qualifications and biographical data for candidates nominated by the Nominating Committee.
Candidates Nominated by Petition Election
Candidates nominated by petition must submit a brief statement of qualifications and biographical data along with the petition and required signatures.
The Election will not be conducted by ballot and there will be no nominations from the floor when the number of nominees equals the number of positions to be filled. In the event of two nominees for any position for which an election is being held, the election shall be by majority vote. In the event of more than two nominees for any position for which an election is being held, election shall be by plurality vote. All elections will be by ballot except where there is only one (1) nominee for each position filled. When the number of nominees equals the number of positions to be filled, the Chair may take a voice vote or declare each nominee elected by general consent or acclamation at the annual meeting.
Members cannot vote by proxy. A member other than a natural person may vote through an agent designed in writing for this purpose. Irrespective of the number of shares, no member has more than one vote. Members must be at least eighteen (18) years of age by the date of the meeting (or for elective or appointed offices, the date of elections or appointment) in order to vote at meetings of the members, hold elective or appointive office, sign nominating petitions, or sign petitions requesting special meetings. Non-natural person members may not hold any elective or appointive office.
Candidate Bios
William Mignone
Incumbent Board candidate. Mr. William Mignone has served on the Floridacentral Credit Union Board of Directors since 2016 and currently serves as Board Chair. William is a retired Relationship Manager from C.U.24, Inc.
Braton Cole
Incumbent Board candidate. Mr. Braton Cole has served on the Floridacentral Credit Union Board of Directors since 2023 and currently serves as Treasurer. Previously, Braton served as Chair of the Supervisory Committee for 5 years. Braton is a Certified Public Accountant and works for Kenyon Energy.
Jody Bone
Board candidate. Ms. Jody Bone has served on the Floridacentral Credit Union Supervisory Committee since 2021, and as Chair of the Supervisory Committee since 2023. Jody is a Certified Public Accountant and works as the Chief Financial Officer for Senior Connection Center, Inc.
To attend the Annual Meeting virtually, submit your form here.